======FTICKS for NPS====== **NOTE: This is untested.** **This only applies to Federation Operators and not to individual sites** The syslog server configuration below is for NXLog which is only capable of sending us a form of the Windows Event logs, not FTICKS unfortunately. Recommendations for free Windows syslog servers start and stop with NXLog and, in it's Community from, is simply unable to generate FTICKS. However, if you have existing software which can accept Windows Eventlogs (or otherwise access NPS logs) and change the format into FTICKS then feel free to do so. The criteria for FTICKS are: * Uses the [[public:fticks|FTICKS]] format * Proxies to utilities.govroam.uk on port 514/UDP with Facility local5 * Includes in the FTICKS '#FEDID=0X000#' where 0X000 is replaced by the Federation ID supplied by Jisc. * Filters down the proxied log to just those for * Users on the govroam SSID * Roams between member sites going through the ORPS * Successful authentications * Only authentications between member sites (i.e. NOT those to or from the Jisc NRPS, or within an organisation) =====Installation===== Download NXLog Community Edition from here: https://nxlog.co/products/nxlog-community-edition/download and install it. Make of note of where the nxlog.conf file is. =====Configuration===== Edit the //nxlog.conf// file to read, making sure that the ROOT points to the directory it's installed in: Panic Soft #NoFreeOnExit TRUE define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog define CERTDIR %ROOT%\cert define CONFDIR %ROOT%\conf define LOGDIR %ROOT%\data define LOGFILE %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log LogFile %LOGFILE% Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.pid SpoolDir %ROOT%\data Module xm_syslog Module xm_exec Module om_ssl Host Port 6514 # CAFile c:/Program Files (x86)/nxlog/data/cacert.pem # CertFile c:/Program Files (x86)/nxlog/data/clientreq.pem # CertKeyFile c:/Program Files (x86)/nxlog/data/clientkey.pem AllowUntrusted 1 OutputType Syslog_TLS Exec to_syslog_ietf(); Module om_tcp Host Port 601 OutputType Syslog_TLS Exec to_syslog_ietf(); Module im_msvistalog # Don't send log if going to or coming from a NRPS # Change to math the ClientName and ProxyPolicyName as appropriate if $ClientName =~ /NRPS/i drop(); if $ProxyPolicyName =~ /NRPS/i drop(); # Replace with the provided Federation ID $FederationID = "XXXXX"; # Send Client Name as the Operator Name if present, otherwise use a default. # Replace 1something.here with the Federation's Operator Name if $ClientName == '' { $OperatorName = "1something.here"; } else { $OperatorName = $ClientName; } Path eventlog => syslog_tcp Replace //XXXXX// with the Federation ID supplied by Jisc. Replace //1something.here// with your realm, prefixed by '1'. The Client Name and the Proxy Policy Name for receiving from/sending to the Jisc NRPS would have to contain 'NRPS' for the above to work. Otherwise change the above so that requests to/from the NRPS are excluded from the logging. Save the file and restart the service. To make this work properly, the Client Name has to be in the form of a realm e.g. 1holby.nhs.uk for each of the Clients. The stanza, syslog_tls, is just there for information. It's not actually used in this configuration. At a later date we'll be looking at encryption but there's a PKI to build. This is all fairly self-explanatory. **OutputType Syslog_TLS** is needed to enforce the RFC5424 standards along with **Exec to_syslog_ietf()**. Not sure why both are needed but they really are. In the Eventlog config the QueryXML is extracted from Windows Event Log (**Event Viewer** -> **Custom View** ->. **Server Roles**. Right click on **Network Policy...**. Choose **Properties**, **Edit Filter**, **XML** and copy the XML into the NXLog config). Some customisation might be needed to filter only for traffic between sites, rather than traffic to/from Jisc NRPS.